

在你开始寻找新家之前, use this guide to learn what makes a condo diffe租金 from an apartment.

如果你在找一个 新租的地方, 你可能已经看到了公寓和公寓的挂牌信息. 它们可能看起来很相似, but t在这里 are differences between the two types of properties — like building 自己的ership, 维护, 收费及便利设施. Here are some tips to help you decide whether a condo or an apartment should be your new home.


公寓通常比较小, 制定更严格的宠物政策, and place more restrictions on how you can change or customize your place. 但是,公寓生活也有好处. 一般来说, 维护 is taken care of for you and t在这里 are no association fees to worry about.


  • 所有权 -通常整栋公寓楼只有一个业主. They may be onsite at the building or hire a management company to handle any issues you may have.
  • 布局 — Units in the same apartment building will probably have the same layout and design.
  • 设施 -设施总是因建筑而异. Your building could have free parking and on-site laundry, or you may have to pay for parking and take your clothes to the laundromat. 一定要询问设施 在你签租约之前 确保你得到了对你重要的东西.
  • 租赁政策 — All 租金ers in a building are expected to follow the same rules, 比如噪音限制, 宠物政策或翻新, 物业经理执行的是什么. Not following the terms of the lease can lead to serious consequences.


In some places, like big cities, you can 租金 or 自己的 an apartment. Depending on things like how long you'd like to stay in the location, 你的预算和生活方式, 你决定不决定由你决定 租金 or 自己的. If 租金ing an apartment is right for you, help protect your stuff with 租房者pp王者电子官网 — it covers personal items that landlord’s insurance typically doesn’t cover.


公寓 typically offer more unique layouts and design styles, make it easier to 定制您的空间以及更宽松的宠物政策. 但, remember the property may come with a condo association and corresponding fees.

  • 所有权 — Each unit in a condo building usually has a diffe租金 private 自己的er. 那个人就是你的房东.
  • 布局  Like apartments, condos usually share a wall with another unit. 但, 因为每个公寓都有一个独特的主人, they often vary on the inside in layout and design and may have more upgrades than an apartment.
  • 设施 -不同的公寓大楼提供不同的设施. 一般来说, 公寓联营费包括设施费用, 哪些是你的责任. Some common amenities are parking, community room, pet area, laundry, pool and gym.
  • 租赁政策 — With a condo, you 租金 the unit and share the common spaces. The condo 自己的er makes the rules for inside the unit, and they can differ from condo to condo. 在签合同之前一定要再看一遍. The condo association guidelines make the rules for the common areas, 你要遵循哪个. 一定要准备一份这些规则的副本.


If 租金ing a condo is right for you, make sure you have protection in place with 租房者pp王者电子官网.


  • 公寓维修 — If something goes wrong, you contact the property 自己的er or management company. Issues usually get resolved quickly and you don't have to worry about doing it yourself.
  • 公寓维修 — Each 自己的er is responsible for 维护 inside their unit, 这可能意味着修复需要更多的时间. Any issues in the common areas are typically taken care of by the condo association.


  • 公寓的费用 — These fees may include things like first and last month's 租金, pet deposit and application fee.
  • 公寓的费用 -每个单位的租金由业主决定, 但共同的费用通常是共管公寓协会的费用, 其中包括维护建筑物的公共区域.


Whether you're looking at a condo or an apartment, make sure to ask questions. 它能帮助你找到适合自己的新家.

  • 这栋楼有什么规定吗?
  • 租金包括什么?
  • 这栋楼有多少年了?
  • 提供什么便利设施??
  • 这栋楼有多少个单位?
  • 每个单位有多少个停车位?
  • 有额外的存储空间吗?
  • 允许养宠物吗??

Once you have weighed the differences between condominium vs apartment, 然后决定最适合你的选择, 做好准备 在白天移动. 一定要 照顾好你的租金 让这里有家的感觉.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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Use our 租金al property inspection checklist so you're organized and prepared when looking at 租金al listings.


了解搬进公寓的细节. Remember, have your moving questions answered by your landlord.

怎样才能成为一个好房客? 保持你的租赁财产处于最佳状态

Taking care of your 租金al might allow for 租金 negotiations and more favorable terms of the lease.


Weigh the pros and cons before you make the big decision.